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VeloceToday Correspondent
Estanislao M. Iacona Argentina

Estanislao Iacona, "Lao" for short, stands next to his 1300 Alfa sedan.
"Lao" is just now being published in VeloceToday---his superb history of the Temporada Races held in Argentina in 1947.
A thirty two year-old lawyer, Lao lives in Buenos Aires with his wife Maria Eugenia, and like his friend Cris Bertschi,
loves Alfas, cooking as well as reading and antiquities.
"My father owned great Alfas, which included the ex-Peron 1900C SS Touring, a 2600 Sprint and a 1750 Sprint Bertone." He is assisting Bertschi with the book
Alfas in Argentina, and is one of the leading automotive historians in South America. Lao also contributes to the Dutch Alfa club magazine and is a partner in labujia.com, a website of the motoring world. Today he drives a 1961 Giulietta TI, and his favorite car is the 2900B Alfa Le Mans by Touring.

