Photos by Alessandro Gerelli
Last Friday Alessandro Gerelli had a chance to visit the yearly Milano AutoClassica, held at the Fiera Milano Rho over the weekend of 24-25-26 November.
The event is broken up into several sections: A huge exhibiton hall with room for 2000 vintage cars for sale, the traditional motorsport event in the parking lot, another space just for the sale of spare parts, another section devoted to display current exotics, this year featuring Bentley, Lotus and McLaren, and the only show to feature the Ferrari Classiche with its own workshop. It would probably take the entire weekend to see all of the show.
The week prior to that, Gerelli also made it over the see the Ferraris on exhibit for the special presentation of Nada books on Ferrari. This was an oustide event that brought out several rare cars, including a 212 Touring coupe. These photos follow the Milano AutoClassica section below.

La Licorne H02 1928. French, made in Courbevoie Seine, by a firm originally established in 1901 by J. Corre, who went on to make automobiles under his own name, Corre, until 1914. La Licorne, however, continued to produced cars until 1949.
Cars at the Giorgio Nada Ferrari Exhibit a the (Centro Milanese Auto Epoca)
Where is Lancia
Check out the Lancias in Jonathan Sharp’s report, same issue.
Re.: The Fiat 1100 Turismo Veloce Pininfarina 1954 ( 9th image).
I owned an identical red one in 1959. I was a very pretty car that really needed Borrani spoke wheels and a floor shift instead of column shift, but aside from that, it was a head turner. Notwithstanding the fact that the brakes locked frequently up in S. California weather, and it leaked like a sieve in the rain, I loved it dearly. Unfortunately, with only 1100cc and factory level tuning, it was more show than go.
I later traded it for a nice Beetle convertible since my wife and little kids required more predictable traveling than the 1100 TV could offer.