Story and photos by Alessandro Gerelli
Gerelli looks at the Italian Supercars at this year’s Geneva Auto Show.
The Geneva Motor show is a traditional event that attracts thousands of visitors every year from all over the world. All the car manufacturers present their new models, including super cars and concept cars.
I first wanted to photograph Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Alfa Romeo, and Abarth cars, but I could not avoid the Pagani, Bugatti and some masterpieces of the most famous Italian coach builders, including a couple of cars coming from Slovakia.
Most of these cars are dream cars, but……let us dream!
Fantastic photos
Thank you
Nothing truly pretty there except perhaps the Maserati
Todays cars are too gimmicky and too complex in form.
Ask a child to draw any of the cars and he would be lost even to their basic form
And Guigaro? has he lost the plot?
Their report card would say, “trying too hard!”
Agreed Ray, great photography. I also agree mostly with Keith; “nothing truly pretty” and certainly it seems the main purpose of the current crop of Italian ‘supercars’ is to shock. There are no real successors to the elegance of past glories from the likes of Zagato, Pinifarina, Frua, Pininfarina and the rest, most of those shown above look like they may have been designed by whoever made the latest Batmobile, and one wonders if these will ever be as desirable in thirty or forty years as a Miura or Daytona is now. Sorry, correct that, most of them appear to have been designed by a committee of Batman fans who never actually got together to compare ideas. My exception from those shown is the Alfa Romeo Disco Volante; a harmonious shape that appears to have been drawn by one person who managed to not lose the plot somewhere between the front and the back. That would be welcome on my drive any time. The Osella is an interesting concept that deserves to succeed and hopefully revive an old name from the past and manages to maintain some simplicity of line too. Otherwise the Abarth 595 will have to do as at least I would not feel embarrassed to be seen in it.
Beautiful photos. Strange shift linkage on the Abarth!