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Letters to the Editor
May 16, 2002
Responses to Team Orders: Grand Prix of Austria
While I think we all agree it is a political and PR disaster for Ferrari... spoke to Mario Andretti and he reinforced the theory that the title could be affected, and he talked about his title after Petersen was taken out and how he was forced to let Ronnie pass only to have to fight for the world championship afterwards. As a team sport, most reasonable people would not understand, however Ferrari is only interested in one thing� winning the world championship, no matter what the cost...that is Enzo's legacy.
-David Cave
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Thanks for another fine article, this time about one of F1's less than stellar moments.
I feel compelled to express my disgust at the outcome of the Austrian GP. True, team orders are an established if not honored tradition in GP racing BUT Ferrari gained so little with this decision.
The constructor's championship points were not affected one bit by exchanging first and second place. Schumacher gained four points that MIGHT be significant later in the season but Ferrari and to some degree Schumacher lost the respect of F1 aficionados all over the world. The saddest part of this debacle is that, though everyone knows that he won the today, the future will only record the official finishing order.
To Montezemolo and Todt I want to say: let your drivers perform according to their ability, the championship will take care of itself.
-Tom Geiger
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