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A New Today

Coming up--Ed McDonough in the white Giulia 1300 TI tells us about his victory at the Ring.
November 13th, 2002

VeloceToday does not generally publish editorials. However, there have been some exciting changes. We are pleased to announce that as of Friday, November 8th, (the online magazine) is divested of (the online bookshop). The two organizations will continue their business relationship, but they will be totally independent.

Our Team
Erik Nielsen is our newly named Executive Editor and Karen Wagoner our Associate Editor. We have also added Lorenzo Marchesini as editor-at-large. Lorenzo, who hails from Bologna, is a much needed Italian voice, with many contacts in Italy. Look for some very interesting articles about his latest trip to Italy, where he visited most of the Italian museums and factories.

During the new transition VeloceToday will reduce to only one issue per week, but we hope to go back to the twice weekly format soon. Another change which is high on our priority list is the addition of classified and banner ads. Our ads will be tasteful, relevant, and helpful to the Italian car enthusiast. For a sample click here:

Also coming up are great photos by Henk Brouwer from the Ennstal Classic

Coming Soon on VeloceToday
We�ll see more bios, exclusive coverages, and more articles on all your favorite Italian cars. Coming up is an exclusive story by Ed McDonough on Racing at the Ring. Ed recently won his class at the old Nurburgring, driving an Alfa 1300 TI. Then Henk Brouwer catches up with the Italians at the Ennstal event, and Alessandro Gerelli reports from Misano.

Coming soon--Alessandro Gerelli reports from Misano.

Lastly, it has been a most satisfying and successful year. We want to thank everyone who has supported VeloceToday, and ask for your continued support in the future. We are truly excited about the future. Any questions or comments can be sent to

Pete Vack, Publisher and Editor, VeloceToday

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