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April 2 2003

Fiat, Volpini, Coming up

Some, or perhaps all, of our subscribers may have received two html VeloceToday homepages last week via email. Our apologies�we have instituted a new mailing system and are working out the glitches. Inherent in the new system is the fact that we no longer have to create an email html version of VeloceToday�subscribers will now simply receive the homepage via email.

Michitake Isobe's Article in Ferrarissima
We just received notice from our correspondent in Japan, Michitake Isobe, that his article "The Ferrari Museum of Art" which was written for VeloceToday, was republished in the latest issue of Ferrarissima. We congratulate Michitake for producing such an outstanding article for both VeloceToday and the highly regarded Ferrarissima magazine. We'll be hearing more from "Mitch" in the near future.

Friedman's book takes a critical look at Fiat and includes a bio on the late Giovanni Agnelli.

Agnelli and the Network of Italian Power
Along with our story about Fiats through the ages, allow us to mention a very interesting book about Fiat and Agnelli. It�s an out of print book worth looking for. Entitled "Agnelli and the Network of Italian Power", published in 1988 by Harrap Ltd, (London), and written by Alan Friedman, a top reporter for the Financial Times. Friedman traces the business history of Fiat, starting with Agnelli�s grandfather, and takes a hard look at the unique Italian method of capitalism, as well as the combined power of Fiat, a firm which even today exerts a tremendous amount of influence over Italy. Friedman is not afraid to delve into the notorious Fiat-Ford-Alfa fiasco of 1986, as well as the sale of stock to Libyan dictator Moammer Ghedaffi, a deal which benefited Fiat but greatly increased the net worth of Ghedaffi. Interesting, critical, and well researched, it also provides a background necessary to understanding Fiat today.

Unusual Request
One of our reader�s sent a somewhat unique request. Denyse Bosley has a boyfriend with the last name of Volpini. He is naturally interested in the car, so she has asked how she can obtain more information about Volpini race cars. If you would like to help Denyse in this quest, her email address is

Coming up
In the next few issues we will present Part III and IV of the Fiat story�one which was presumably going to be short, but kept on getting longer and longer. If anyone has any positive comments about post-1980 Fiats, we�d surely like to hear from you before we make any rash assumptions.

Coming up in VeloceToday, as promised, is an interview with Phil Hill, another with Nino Vaccarella, and yet another with Martin Swig. Erik Nielsen will be at the F1 controls, and we have a full range of reports and articles set for the summer months.

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