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This Month In...
Highlighting the features of interest to Italian car enthusiasts, which have appeared in major car magazines in the past month.
Thoroughbred and Classic Cars, November 2001
Cover features the Ferrari Dino 246GT, with a feature article by Paul Walton.
Old ground, not much new here.
Better, is Part One of an interview with Sergio Pininfarina, conducted by Glen Waddington. Interesting, worthwhile quotes from Pininfarina, whose favorite design is the Dino 246GT.
Finally, Paul Chedecki nails down the elusive Ferrari 365P Speciale central seater.
Eleven photos, all B&W, but a nice article with notes from Chinetti's car handler Rick Anderson.
Road & Track, November 2001
Paul Frere reports on the new Lamborghini Murcielago in Ampersand. Six photos, 300 words, factory PR stuff. No drive yet.
A short piece on the Alfa Museum, as visited briefly by Matt Delorenzo. Mitch's feature last month in VPM was far better.
Off topic, the in-depth article on the Chaparral by David Kimble and Phil Hill was excellent, revealing the long kept secret details of the so called automatic transmission.
Motor Sport, October 2001
Track test of the around the house Montjuich circuit in Barcelona, which was used for minor and major race and F1 events from 1932 to 1975. Light but interesting look at a rarely heard from venue.
Auto Italia, Issue 61, dated September 2001
Always worthwhile, although features are rarely in depth. This issue featured
the Alfa 147 Selespeed, Maserati Mexico, the Alfa TZ1 (105.11.750085) is driven by Ed McDonough, (good stuff here), the push me pull me Abarth 750, and a look at the cars of Stanguellini by Peter Collins. For Ferrari fans, Robert Giordanlli interviewed Brit Sally Mason-Styrron and drove her 166MM Barchetta, s/n 0040. Ten photos.
Classic & Sports Car November 2001
Mick Walsh gets to drive the ex-Bardinon 410 Ferrari, s/n 0596, and does a credible job in doing so. Eight color photos, two historical B&Ws. Mick usually does a very good review and rarely disappoints.
Richard Heseltine caught up with Giugiaro Sr. for a delightful interview with "Il Maestro". Did you know his favorite design was the Alfa 1600 Bertone but he couldn't afford one until three years later and then had to settle for the less expensive 1300 Jr.?
Super Car Graphic, number 39
Japan's premier classic car magazine, all text in Japanese, but worth it for the photos alone. This issue featured the OSCA, with a history by Walter Pittoni, with photos from the Millanta archives. Then a look at MT4 s/n 1106 by Hideo Ohtani with gorgeous color photographs. Yoshio Miyazaki documents the beautiful MT4 Berlinetta, s/n 1120, as well as the MT4 Siluro, s/n 1103, both in superb color. Outstanding.
For Japanese Ferrari fans, SCG reprinted Pete Vack's "The Passion of Roberto Rossellini", which originally appeared in Forza. Mitch Isobe did the translation, and the photo reproduction is far better than Forza's. Finally, a more in-depth look at the Alfa Museo in Japan, similar to last month's feature in VPM by Mitch Isobe.

