Over the fold, Under the table, Around the world!
*ONE TIME ads ($25 USD) for anyone who has something to sell, to giveaway, to holler about (a special sale), a change in address, venue or schedule, you name it.
*Ad will be placed RIGHT here RIGHT UP FRONT where it will be seen by 10 to 20 thousand eager beaver car nuts all over the globe.
*For only $25USD we’ll post your ad below with one photo and four lines or about 50 words, ONE TIME. And if you sell your wondercar via this slot for enough money to retire on, remember us in your will or use the Donate button. Space is limited to only FOUR ads in one week’s VT. Pay via Paypal and contact me at vack@cox.net for ad insertion. Here are a few for this week:
1956 Austin Healey 100M, S/N BN2L228887, 9,000 miles. Frame-off restoration finished with M kit in 2003. 2013 addition of new alloy head, clutch, transmission synchronizers. BMIH Trust Certif. Mille Miglia eligible. Contact John Piccin 352 351 5446, john@piccinlaw.com (FL)
1949 Ferrari Yearbook with Peter Coltrin Translation iinsert. Excellent but aging condition, no rips, tears. This is the Richard F. Merritt version from 1969. For sale now for $400. Original versions are worth thousands. Check Contact me at vack@cox.net.
Wallace Wyss is now into French Classics. So far he’s completed a dozen canvases in oil including a Talbot Lago and a Bugatti. “If an owner or fan of these cars wants me to depict their French classic, they can reach me at Photojournalistpro@gmail.com.”