Story and photos by Jonathan Sharp
This year the Editor asked me to just submit everything that peaked my interest at Retro. Fat chance, for to truly be able to show you all the cars that peaked my interest would take several editions of VeloceToday.
I’ve been to Retro many times now, and still the language barrier for me was sometimes an issue but the cars on display were superb, as was the food; there are not many shows were one can enjoy oysters and a glass of champagne from a vendors stall.
The Editor and I wish to apologize for the huge number of photos below…something on the order of 43 but we lose count. And that is just a fraction which resided in my camera data card when I returned home. However, we broke up the subject matter thusly:
Art, Etcetera
French cars
And looking back, even though myself, Graham Gauld, Hugues Vanhoolandt and Alessandro Gerelli all attended Retro and turned in reports to VeloceToday, there are few if any images of exactly the same car.
That gives one an idea of how immense and diverse Retromobile is. And it gets bigger every year.
Finally, if there are factual errors, the information for the most part is taken from the individual placards. In several cases we eliminated photos due to questionable statements. Spelling errors, if any (heavens forbid)can be blamed on us.
Art Etcetera

I was very taken by this tin plate Bugatti model as it just seemed to capture the times and subject so well.

Alfa Romeo Alfetta model: If you crouch down to look closely at the models on sale at the show you could almost swear they were real cars.