Last week we challenged our readers to be the first to tell us what kind of Etceterini this is, who is driving, when and where, and offered a free year’s subscription to VeloceToday.com. What were the results? Photo submitted by Dale LaFollette
By Pete Vack
It is heartening to realize, that despite the deep pockets of knowledge and facts offered by Internet sources as well as a cornucopia of books and magazines, period and otherwise, there are still a few mysteries out there that remain unsolved.
In reference to that mystery car from last week; first, Dale LaFollette had purchased the photo from eBay, with no identification or photographer’s name. Dale wanted to know what kind of car it was so sent it to us here at VeloceToday. We didn’t know for sure either. Many of the little ones look alike, so we didn’t want to make any assumptions. We decided to ask you, our readers.
Responses were many and varied, and we thank all who sent in a guess. But the first responder was JR, who wrote: