Bert: “…but, is the shadow really black ENOUGH?”
Nigel: “Oh, I see what you mean – there’s a sort of greyishness to it…”
Morton: “And, of course the main part, the LARGEST part, has the greenish tinge of the turf to consider: Zoysia – Fescue…?”
Herbert to Thorndyke (Standing): “Vincent who?”
Our caption winner is Rick Hayden who wins a year’s subscription to VeloceToday!
Story and photos by Brandes Elitch
If you were seriously interested, really interested, in motorcycle history and design, where would you like to go if time and money were not an issue? There were over 2500 bike manufacturers since 1900 and of course you would like to see many of them.
Most collectors, restorers and historians would mention the famous Isle of Man TT, held in late May/early June. I suspect this would be first on most peoples’ lists.