The joy of owning a Bugatti is seen in this shot of Erik Svend Sckerl and friends with a type 23 in 1939.
Review by Pete Vack
All photos from the book
Bugatti in Denmark: motorsport and luxury cars before 1940
By Frank Studstrup
Editocar, 2021 Denmark
ISBN 978-87-973354-1-3
226 pages, 170 illustrations, hardcover
Text in English
Euro 65.00, GBP 55.00 USD 75.00 (excluding packing, posting and tax)
Order here editocar@mail.dk (Europe)
Or don@bugattibooks.com (US)
When it comes to Bugatti, no country is immune from its charms. France, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Italy and far away United States fell like dominoes in the face of the overwhelming charisma that radiated from the products of Molsheim between the wars.
Even Denmark, that remarkable seafaring peninsula with 443 named islands and a history that dates to 12,000 years BC, began importing Bugattis as early as 1912. To be sure, as everywhere, there were not many Bugattis around; their influence far outweighed their numbers in any country. As a testament to their popularity, Bugattis in Denmark have been admired, written about, appeared in movies, been the victors of ice races and record runs on famous beaches, engaged thousands of youngsters at Tivoli, and have left an unfaded impression for over 110 years. [Read more…] about Bugatti in Denmark Between the Wars