Photos by Alessandro Gerelli
We’re sure everyone has seen the news about the opening of the Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari. We are also sure that no one covers it better than VeloceToday. No PR here, but a good many insights from the Man himself.

The workshop next to the new Museum building: ‘My brother and I shared a room over the workshop and were awakened in the morning by the ringing of the hammers. My father Alfredo…made gangways and sheds for the State Railways.’—Enzo Ferrari

The photo is at the entrance of the old buiding and reads 'I am the one who dreamt of being Ferrari.' The yellow museum poster reads 'If you can dream it, you can do it.'
The Ferrari house has been completely restructured and adapted as an art gallery. Enzo Ferrari’s activities during his life are displayed via multimedia with video, documents and car displays. A very futuristic building has been built side by side to the old house: the new structure, when seen from above, looks like the bonnet of a car in yellow, the color of Modena. The new building was designed by Jan Kaplichy, who unfortunately died in 2009 without seeing the final result of his genius. It was completed by Andrea Morgante of the Shiro Studio. Photo courtesy Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari.