Is this Jim Pauley’s car at Watkins Glen in 1953? Or is this Wayne Chapman, at his home in Fayetteville N.C. in 1957? Photo submitted by Dale LaFollette
In the end it is all about our fantastic readers, not the Bandini. First, we heard from José Ramón Arce, who lives in Spain. José seemed to know his stuff, and wrote in very good English. In a well reasoned and well reseached opinion, José believes that the mystery car is the one entered at Watkins Glen in 1953 by Jim Pauley. As can be read in last week’s VeloceToday, research on our part backed that assertion up, although we could not find other photos which would have verified this. Then we heard from Walt Carroll, who had a completely different take on our mystery Bandini. So we engaged both to tell us more about themselves. [Read more…] about Mystery Bandini: It’s the Readers, not the Car!