Photos by Alessandro Gerelli
A brief description from the Milan Autoclassica website: “Milano AutoClassica is dedicated to enthusiasts, specialists in the field and whoever wants to draw closer to the fascinating world of Classic Cars. One major goal is to spread the love of our hobby among the younger and more dynamic generations. Following on from the successful outcome of the first two editions and the huge success of the third, Milano Autoclassica returned in 2015, even bigger and better than before. Covering a more extensive exhibition area, with ample areas to test-drive the cars in the open and special events planned for enthusiasts, the curious, and newcomers, making it possible to fully experience classical and sporting cars, together with the world that revolves around them: magnificent vehicles, accessories, special events and Guest Cars; restorers, registers, models, and an area dedicated to private sales.”
As Gerelli notes, the atmosphere is much different than that of France’s Retromobile, where the old car dealers are of a higher class. But even for a long time trouper like Gerelli, there is always something he has never seen before…as his photos below indicate.