Story and Photos by Jonathan Sharp
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It was whilst sitting in the comfort of a Eurostar train returning from the fortieth edition of what is arguably the best classic car show in the world that my pal and I got to reminiscing about our first trip to Retromobile around about 34 years ago.
In those days, circa 1981, we could not afford to take time off from work; we decided we would leave home on the Saturday evening to attend the show on the Sunday. No Eurostar or channel tunnel in those days, no Internet, and no great plan as to how we were going to actually get there. 6 pm arrives and we piled into my pal’s company Nissan Sunny and departed for Dover for the ferry. We parked the car on the top floor of the multi story car park, (I cannot remember why it was the top floor), and found out the time of the next ferry. We must have waited some time as the ferry crossing only took an hour and we arrived in France at about 2am. The next train to Paris did leave until 4am. It was not a high speed train unlike nowadays but a normal suburban train with bolt upright seats covered in vinyl and it seemed to stop at every station. I also think we had to change trains as I do recall being stuck on a cold dark French railway station in the middle of nowhere for an hour or so.
Anyway we finally pull into Gard Du Nord in Paris and work out how to use the Metro. As none of us spoke anything more than schoolboy French, this was quite a feat. The Metro is crowded and my pal nearly lost his wallet to a pick pocket but we finally arrive at the show. We must have been impressed with what we saw but all I can now recall is that I bought a model kit of the Ferrari Pinin which I must get round to building one day. At the shows end it was time to take the same journey in reverse. By the time we arrive in England my Nissan Sunny-driving pal is having to be kept awake by the combined efforts of the rest of us. I recall putting the key in my front door at 6am. Then it was back to work for 9am Monday morning.
This year it’s an easy one hour drive to Ebbslfleet station and then a comfortable train seat for a few hours to Paris. A great show, an excellent dinner and a comfortable hotel for the night. Another morning at the show, lovely lunch. Then the same journey in reverse but this time it does have the added excitement of a bomb scare and controlled explosion at Gare Du Nord. Much improved, however, and easier on much older enthusiast.
I hope you will enjoy my look at the Art of Retro.
Grand Prix models