Our winner last week was Paul Jewell, who, along with many others, correctly answered that the mascherina was the Giulietta grille and of course in front of the car. Paul told us his father owns a Giulietta and he would give Evan’s book to him as a present. Now that’s neat. Many thanks to all who entered!
This week, an even bigger book is our prize as we celebrate another successful Le Mitichie a Bassano. Last week’s contest process worked well, so it will continue; there will probably always be mulitple correct answers, so we’ll put them in a hat and make a drawing the old analog way. In addition, our friends from Australia said, please, add another day before closing the contest as they are a day behind us. Identify the car and year made in the photo above and send your answer to pete@velocetoday.com before 12 noon EDT July 15th 2011.
Not only has Dino Brunori authored the best Nardi book ever (and our best selling book), but is instrumental in organizing the beautiful barchettas at Bassano event. Again this year Charles Schoendorf writes the story from behind the wheel of his Arnolt Bristol.
To keep with the theme of small Italian cars this week, we offer up a bit about Abarth Days in Italy, thanks to Roberto Motta. More to come on Abarths soon.
We welcome a new advertizer, and an important one. Borrani Americas wants to make sure you know all about Borrani’s current line of wheels and services. We want you to know all about the fascinating history of Borrani and the wire wheel, and kick it off with an introduction in this edition of VeloceToday. We’ll start with the basics…like did you know you could get Borranis for your Cadillac? And be sure to check out the new line of Borrani wheels from X to S.
The we have the sleeper GP–which came alive in a big way on the very last lap. See Erik’s report on the British Grand Prix.
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