VeloceToday Select Number Two:
Barn Find Alfa
Edited by Pete Vack
Price: $20.00
Pages: 32 glossy; color photos
Dimensions: 8.5″ x 5.5″
Description: Shipping and Handling are FREE.
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In the 1970s, the Editor retrieved an Alfa Romeo Sprint Veloce from a barn, sold it and forgot about it. Thirty-five years later he received an email from the cars’ current owner, wondering if he had any as-found photos or information about the car. We found the photos, beginning the intriguing story of an Alfa Veloce that was once raced, lost, found, raced again and restored by a succession of owners, all of whom contributed their words, photos, and experiences for this story. A Barn Story unlike any you’ll ever read! Click HERE for more details.