NOTE: You are viewing the OLD VeloceToday website. We are in the process of moving some of the old articles from the OLD site to the NEW site.







News & Views


[January 8, 2002]
VelocePressMagazine is now VeloceToday. And it's free!

See our report on the racing debut of the 360GT Michelotto

Starting Thursday, we'll send you the first of three parts of the Carlo Pintacuda story by
Cris Bertschi. Above, the late Bill Serri in the 8C2900B Alfa Romeo driven to second place in
the 1938 Mille Miglia by Pintacuda. Don't miss this exclusive biography of one of the greatest pre- war Alfa drivers.

Yes, Virginia, this is a Ferrari. Body by Ghia. In February we will feature Marcel
Massini's article about the strange and exotic Ghia Ferraris, complete with all known serial numbers.
Not only have we changed our name to reflect a more timely content, as of this issue all subscriptions
to VeloceToday are free to anyone who gives us an email address.
Here's how we'll do it.
From this date on, VeloceToday will be delivered free, no cost, no credit card, no strings. And if you should
no longer desire to receive it, simply un-subscribe yourself. Easy enough.
In addition, there will be more content. We'll increase the segments from one per week to two, but the content
will be shorter, and therefore easier to download and read quickly. For those of you who still suffer
with slow dial up modems, we hope this will make reading ---much quicker.
We'll continue to bring to you great features from around the world, such as
Henk Brouwer's great story on the von Trips Museum. But we'll break them up into bite size chunks.
This month we'll feature a rare and exclusive look at the little known life of Carlo Pintacuda,
one of the greatest pre-war Alfa drivers, written for us by Cris Bertschi.
Lastly, we'll be doing a wide variety of interesting short articles, from PR releases from Ferrari, Alfa,
and Lamborghini, product reviews, book and magazine reviews, personalities, event coverage, and F1 and auction
reports. Plus many more ideas and unique forms of Italian automotive entertainment and lifestyles are in the works.

