The Bugattis of Jean DeDobbeleer and Bugatti Memories can be ordered for only $85 via Donald E. Toms (inset).
By Pete Vack
Sometime last year I determined that we needed to add more books on Bugatti to our library, and went looking for a book called Bugatti Memories by Gene Cesari, a reference I found in the latest ABC Register. It entailed a search on the Internet, and that was how I eventually stumbled onto one Donald E. Toms, in Florida, who handled the Cesari book. An email address was listed as don@bugattibooks.com and soon we were in touch.
Now, don’t figure that since his email is attached to bugattibooks.com, that there really is a bugattibooks.com website. There isn’t. Don does not have a site. And yet Don believes he “…can furnish a greater variety of Bugatti titles than any other bookseller in the world.” Except maybe Amazon.
Take that, Jeff Bezos! [Read more…] about Donald E. Toms, Bugatti Bookseller