Scott Ebert with his very original, well-preserved yet well-raced Bugatti at the Pittsburg Grand Prix in 1985. With him is Mrs. Editor.
Book Review by Pete Vack
The Stewardship of Historically Important Automobiles
Available online at the Simeone Foundation.
The cost is $60.00 plus shipping and handling or purchased from the Museum gift shop.
Many may argue that this slender new book is Fred Simeone’s manifesto, that it is one sided, opinionated and does not consider all aspects of the old car hobby. But The Stewardship of Historically Important Automobiles is a call to arms, a call for action, a call for responsibility of caretakers, a cry for reason and respect. This is not a rule book or a mandate, but it incorporates classification and preservation/restoration guidelines based on what other similar fields of endeavor, such as aircraft and antique furniture, have already established. At the same time it raises a number of highly controversial issues.
Stewardship is generally defined as a leadership ethic that exemplifies responsible planning, managing and maintenance. It is applied to a wide variety of disciplines, and here it is in reference to a person who has purchased or owns a car of historical importance.