February 6th 2008
Pardon our French
As we bravely go forth into French automotive culture, we do so with great respect but equally great lack of knowledge of the French language.
Years ago, Automobile Quarterly did the car enthusiast a great service by publishing an article which listed many of the most difficult foreign words associated with the automobile, and beside each the English, phonetic pronunciation. The article was entitled, �Only Chickens Live in Coupes�, and was published in Volume 18-1, the first quarter of 1980.
We have, with permission of Automobile Quarterly, taken the French words from the article and reprinted them below. Also, our new contributor, Philippe Defechereux, has updated and greatly expanded the list. Most of these words, names and or places will become increasingly familiar to readers of VeloceToday. The AQ pronunciation guide is as helpful today as it was some 28 years ago, but try these on a French friend before a Parisian waiter!
Beltoise, Jean-Pierre
jzan-Pierre bell-twahze
Behra, Jean jzean bear-rah
Benoist, Robert row-bear ben-wah
Berliet bear-lee-ay
Berlinette bear-lynn-ette
Boillot, George Jzorje bwa-lo
Bolide bo-leed
Cahier, Bernard Bear-nar cah-yeh
Carrossier Kar-ross-yeh
Carrosserie Kar-ross-uh-ree
C�vert, Fran�ois fran-swa seh-vayr
Chenard et Walcker shen-ar-ay walker
Chiron, Louis lew-ee sheer-on
Cibie cee-bee-ay
Citro�n ce-tro-en
Coup� coop-eh
Cugnot kewn-yo
Darracq dar-rack (accent on first syllable)
De Dion Bouton de-dee-own boo tone
Delage de-laj (accent on first syllable)
Delahaye del-a-aye (slight whisper of the h)
Depailler, Patrick patrick duh-pa-yeh
Etancelin, Philippe fill-eep eh-tahn-slan
Fournier, Henry on-ree foor-gnay
Fr�re, Paul Paul fray-r
Gatsonides, Maurice gat-sohn-ee-dees
Gendebien, Olivier oliv-yeh gzan-duh-bee-en
Gr�goire gray-gwar
Habitacle ("cockpit") ah-bee-tackl (stress on first syllable)
Landaulet lawn-doe-lay
Landaulette lawn-doe-let
Le Mans le-mawn (barely pronounce the n)
Levegh, Pierre pierre luh-vayg
Magny Cours circuit seer-kwi duh magny-koor
Molsheim (German) mole-sime
Montlh�ry circuit seer-kwi duh moan-le-ree
Mulhouse (French) mull-ooze
Panhard et Levassor pon-ahr eh le-vass-or
Pau circuit seer-kwi duh po
Paul Ricard circuit seer-kwi duh Paul-ri-kar
Peugeot pe-joe (very soft j)
Pironi, Didier dee-dyeh pee-ro-nee
Prost, Alain Al-ayn Prost
Reims circuit seer-kwi duh R
Renault re-no
Rosier, Louis lew-ee rooz-yeh
Saoutchik sow-chick
Schlesser, Jo jo shlay-sayr
Sizaire et Naudin seas-air ay no-dan
Sommer, Raymond raymond som-ayr
Talbot-Lago tal-bo lahgo
Todt, Jean jzan tot
Traction-Avant ("FWD") trak-sion a-van
Trintignant, Maurice moh-riss tren-tee-gnan
Villeneuve, Gilles jyll ville-nuh-v
Vitesse ("speed") vee-tess
Voisin vwa-zan
Voiture vwa-teur
Voiturette vwa-teur-et
Wimille, Jean-Pierre jzan-pierre wee-mill